David Cameron still won't directly say he's a feminist


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David Cameron is still having trouble in declaring himself a feminist.

Or at least he had trouble answering Rupa Huq, Labour MP for Ealing Central and Acton, who asked in PMQs on Wednesday if he considered himself “a feminist?”

Rather than answer the question directly, Mr Cameron said: “If feminism means that we should treat people equally then yes, absolutely.”

The PM then went on to say how “proud” he was to have a third of his cabinet made up of women.

At present, female MPs make up 28 per cent of parliament, with 191 women holding seats, since the Conservatives came into power in May this year – an increase of 23 per cent since 2010.  

It’s not the first time that David Cameron has been flaky on declaring himself a feminist. In 2014, Elle magazine teamed up with the Fawcett Society to design a t-shirt saying “This is what a feminist looks like”. Then Leader of the Opposition Ed Miliband and the deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg both wore the t-shirt, declaring they were feminists.

David Cameron reportedly declined to wear the shirt five times when approached by ELLE.