Brothel users 'should give DNA'

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Men using brothels and massage parlours should be made to give DNA samples in an effort to reduce the number of prostitute murders, an MP has said.

Ex-Labour minister Denis MacShane told the House of Commons that such tests would also be "a way of getting men to face up to their responsibilities".

The suggestion comes a week after Steve Wright was convicted of the murder of five prostitutes in Ipswich.

The government is carrying out a review of the laws surrounding the sex trade.

'Horrible murders'

The Association of Chief Police Officers is calling for a debate on whether to expand the current database - of DNA details taken from crime suspects - to cover all people in the UK.

But the government has rejected plans for this. Currently, only the DNA of those suspected of crimes is stored.

Mr MacShane, MP for Rotherham, asked Commons leader Harriet Harman: "Would she agree that taking DNA samples from men who go to massage parlours and brothels would be a way of getting men to face up to their responsibilities in this regard?

"Because almost all the horrible murders of prostituted women are by men who have frequented them beforehand."

Ms Harman, who is also women's minister, gave no commitment but said that "many rapes as well as murders are able to be solved using DNA".

Buying or selling sex is legal, but many activities related to prostitution such as kerb crawling, brothel keeping, pimping and soliciting are not.

The government is carrying out a wholesale review of the laws around prostitution, with the aim of reducing demand and increasing the safety of sex workers.