The four new laws coming in today that you should know about

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The first day of October 2015 is a big day for new laws coming into force. Here are four important ones you should know about:

Anybody who buys faulty goods is now entitled to a refund for up to 30 days after their purchase. 

Previously rules only required refunds for a “reasonable time”, dependent on the item in question.

The proposals were included in the Consumer Right Act. Purchases made online are subject to additional consumer rights.

If your rent a home from now on, your landlord will be required by law to install smoke alarms on all of its floors.

Carbon monoxide alarms are also required in all rooms with solid fuel burning appliances.

The Government says the new rule will prevent 25 deaths and 700 injuries a year; landlords who don’t comply face a £5,000 fine.

This rule applies to England; housing is a devolved issue in Wales and Scotland.

If you park a car in a private car park, you are now entitled to a ten minute grace period after your ticket expires.

You can’t be fined for ten minutes after the time shown on the ticket.

The policy covers both the end of free parking periods and the end of paid-for time. 

This measure already applied to car parks owned by councils. This rule applies across Great Britain.

It is now illegal in England and Wales to smoke in a car carrying someone under the age of 18.

The rule, which applies to drivers and passengers, is subject to enforcement with a £50 fine.

The law doesn’t apply to anyone driving in a convertible with the roof down, and doesn’t apply to vaping an electronic cigarette.

A similar law is expected to follow soon in Scotland.