Girl killer loses sentence appeal

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An uncle who raped and murdered his two-year-old niece has lost a Court of Appeal bid to win a reduction in his 35-year minimum jail term.

Michael Mullen, 22, was jailed for life after pleading guilty to the rape and murder of Casey Leigh Mullen at her home in Gipton, Leeds, last February.

Mullen's solicitor claimed the 35-year period was "excessive" in the light of his client's age and early guilty plea.

But a judge rejected the application, describing his crimes as "dreadful".

Sir Igor Judge, sitting with Mr Justice Forbes and Mr Justice Mackay, ruled that the sentencing judge at Leeds Crown Court last July had reached the "right decision".

'Defenceless victim'

Mullen was told by Mr Justice Simon at the crown court: "You are a very dangerous man who is capable of lethal, violent, sexual crimes against children and you will continue to be so for the foreseeable future."

Casey Mullen was found in a pool of blood in her bed

Sir Igor said: "It must be said that this applicant was not a child or a teenager.

"He must have known exactly what he was doing and he cannot have been in any doubt whatsoever about the fragility and defencelessness of his victim."

Mullen, of Lawrence Road, Leeds, was arrested after the toddler was found in a pool of blood at her home in Oak Tree Crescent, Gipton, Leeds, on 11 February last year.

A post-mortem examination showed that death was caused by compression to the neck with a thin ligature.

The 35-year period is the least Mullen must serve behind bars before he can be considered for parole.