Media focus on Jersey allegations

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The investigation into child abuse on Jersey following the discovery of human remains at a former children's home continues to receive wide coverage.

The Daily Telegraph, along with others, has been talking to a number of people who claim they were abused at the home.

One tells how she was given large doses of Valium before being sexually abused.

She claims she was stripped naked and locked in a 10-foot square punishment cell for days at a time.

Weekly shop

The Daily Mail gives over its front page - and nine others - to a campaign to get plastic supermarket shopping bags banished for good.

It shows a family of four returning to their car laden with shopping bags and contrasts that with photographs of a turtle choking on shredded plastic.

The Express meanwhile looks at the cost of filling those bags.

It says rocketing wheat prices mean the average family will have to fork out an extra £18 a week in their weekly shop.

Drug habits

The Times predicts Gordon Brown faces the first major defeat of his premiership over detention times.

Ministers and security chiefs admitted to losing the battle to hold terror suspects without charge for 42 days.

The Guardian reports that thousands of problem drug users will lose their welfare benefits if they fail to participate in treatment programmes.

It quotes experts who say cutting benefits could fuel crime as those affected steal more to fund habits.

Blond women

The Mirror and the Sun continue to publish more details about the double killer Levi Bellfield, who has been jailed for life.

The Mirror says police are to question him in connection with the death of a 14-year-old girl who was strangled.

The Sun carries a front page picture of him chatting up a young blonde woman in a club.

It reminds its readers that the jury at Bellfield's trial was told that he believed blond women were evil.