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Pictures reveal what refugees take with them when they run for their lives Pictures reveal what refugees take with them when they run for their lives
(about 1 hour later)
A series of photos has been released showing the items refugees pack as they flee war and persecution in their own countries for a better life in Europe.A series of photos has been released showing the items refugees pack as they flee war and persecution in their own countries for a better life in Europe.
The photos, taken by photographer Tyler Jump in collaboration with the International Rescue Committee, tell the story of several refugees fleeing conflict in Syria and Afghanistan.The photos, taken by photographer Tyler Jump in collaboration with the International Rescue Committee, tell the story of several refugees fleeing conflict in Syria and Afghanistan.
“Refugees travel light, for their trek is as dangerous as it is arduous,” Tyler Jump writes on Medium. “They are detained, shot at, hungry. Smugglers routinely exploit them, promising safety for a price, only to squeeze them like sardines into tiny boats. “Refugees travel light, for their trek is as dangerous as it is arduous,” Tyler Jump writes on Medium.
“They are detained, shot at, hungry. Smugglers routinely exploit them, promising safety for a price, only to squeeze them like sardines into tiny boats.
“Most have no option but to shed whatever meagre belongings they may have salvaged from their journeys. Those allowed to bring extra baggage aboard often toss it overboard, frantically dumping extra weight as the leaky boats take on water.”“Most have no option but to shed whatever meagre belongings they may have salvaged from their journeys. Those allowed to bring extra baggage aboard often toss it overboard, frantically dumping extra weight as the leaky boats take on water.”
The contents of Omran's bag Omran is on his way to Germany to live with relatives. He fled from Damascus with his parents.The contents of Omran's bag Omran is on his way to Germany to live with relatives. He fled from Damascus with his parents.
His parents packed a lot of bandages and plasters for him, because they knew they’d be travelling through forests to avoid detection.His parents packed a lot of bandages and plasters for him, because they knew they’d be travelling through forests to avoid detection.
They also packed Omran’s favourite snacks, marshmallows and sweet cream.They also packed Omran’s favourite snacks, marshmallows and sweet cream.
The contents of Iqbal's bag Having travelled hundreds of miles from his home in Afghanistan, Iqbal dodged bullets to escape into Iran and then Turkey. He’s now in Lesbos and is unsure where to go next.The contents of Iqbal's bag Having travelled hundreds of miles from his home in Afghanistan, Iqbal dodged bullets to escape into Iran and then Turkey. He’s now in Lesbos and is unsure where to go next.
Among his possessions are hair gel and face whitening cream.Among his possessions are hair gel and face whitening cream.
“I want my skin to be white and hair to be spiked,” he said. ”I don’t want them to know I’m a refugee. I think that someone will spot me and call the police because I’m illegal.”“I want my skin to be white and hair to be spiked,” he said. ”I don’t want them to know I’m a refugee. I think that someone will spot me and call the police because I’m illegal.”
The contents of Aboessa's bag Aboessa managed to escape Yarmouk camp in Syria with her husband and 10-month-old daughter.The contents of Aboessa's bag Aboessa managed to escape Yarmouk camp in Syria with her husband and 10-month-old daughter.
After crossing the border to Turkey, they embarked on a rubber raft bound for Europe. The Turkish police patrolling the coast stopped them and detached the boat’s motor, forcing them to steer the boat through the sea’s strong currents with makeshift paddles.After crossing the border to Turkey, they embarked on a rubber raft bound for Europe. The Turkish police patrolling the coast stopped them and detached the boat’s motor, forcing them to steer the boat through the sea’s strong currents with makeshift paddles.
“Everything is for my daughter to protect her against sickness. When we arrived in Greece, a kind man gave me two jars of food. Another man gave us biscuits and water when he saw my baby,” she said.“Everything is for my daughter to protect her against sickness. When we arrived in Greece, a kind man gave me two jars of food. Another man gave us biscuits and water when he saw my baby,” she said.
The contents of Nour's bag Nour played guitar and painted in Syria for seven years.The contents of Nour's bag Nour played guitar and painted in Syria for seven years.
With bombs and gunfire in the distance, he grabbed the items with the most personal meaning before leaving for Turkey.With bombs and gunfire in the distance, he grabbed the items with the most personal meaning before leaving for Turkey.
Almost all are gifts from friends: a watch from his girlfriend, a rosary he never lets touch the floor and a guitar pick from a friend.Almost all are gifts from friends: a watch from his girlfriend, a rosary he never lets touch the floor and a guitar pick from a friend.
“I left Syria with two bags, but the smugglers told me I could only take one. The other bag had all of my clothes. This is all I have left,” he said.“I left Syria with two bags, but the smugglers told me I could only take one. The other bag had all of my clothes. This is all I have left,” he said.
The contents of the pharmacists' bag As the pharmacist made a dangerous crossing to Greece with his family, the Greek coast guard punctured their boat, forcing him to tread water for 45 minutes before he was rescued.The contents of the pharmacists' bag As the pharmacist made a dangerous crossing to Greece with his family, the Greek coast guard punctured their boat, forcing him to tread water for 45 minutes before he was rescued.
His bag contains a 16GB flash drive containing family photos .His bag contains a 16GB flash drive containing family photos .
“I had to leave behind my parents and sister in Turkey. I thought, if I die on this boat, at least I will die with the photos of my family near me.”“I had to leave behind my parents and sister in Turkey. I thought, if I die on this boat, at least I will die with the photos of my family near me.”