Thailand's King Bhumibol being treated for blood infection

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King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand is on antibiotics following a fresh blood infection, the palace has revealed.

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The 87-year-old king, perceived as a near-deity by many Thais, has been in Bangkok’s Siriraj hospital since being readmitted in May but information on his condition has been scarce.

In a statement released late on Monday the royal household said Bhumibol had come down with a high fever, chills and low blood pressure last Thursday. “The result of blood checks found that he had an infection in his blood. The result of a chest X-ray found that his right lung was inflamed,” the palace said.

“As a result the doctors have given him some antibiotics and saline drip. They have also given him some oxygen.”

Bhumibol has been in and out of hospital for much of the last two years and rarely makes public appearances.

A day before his latest bout of illness the palace released footage of the wheelchair-bound monarch visiting a shop near the hospital where he is convalescing. Sbjects on their knees chanted “Long live the King.”

Last month the palace said he had recently been treated for “water on the brain” and a chest infection.

Outside of official statements the king’s health is a taboo topic in Thailand, where the monarchy is shielded from criticism by some world’s toughest lese majeste laws, Prosecutions have increased dramatically since the military took over. A man was jailed for 30 years last month for “insulting” the monarchy on Facebook, in one of the toughest known sentences for royal defamation. The same day a woman received a 28-year jail term for the offence.

Media have to routinely self-censor when reporting on the monarchy for fear of falling foul of the broadly worded law, which carries up to 15 years in jail for each count of insulting the king, queen, heir or regent.