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Islamic State conflict: UK 'would repeat Syria drone strike' Islamic State conflict: UK 'would repeat Syria drone strike'
(34 minutes later)
The UK would "not hesitate" to launch more secret drone strikes in Syria to thwart potential terror plots, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has said.The UK would "not hesitate" to launch more secret drone strikes in Syria to thwart potential terror plots, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has said.
He said the RAF strike which killed two British Islamic State jihadists was a "perfectly legal act of self defence". He said the RAF strike that killed two British Islamic State jihadists was a "perfectly legal act of self defence".
The men were "terrorists who'd been planning a series of attacks", he said. There are "other terrorists" involved in "other plots that may come to fruition" in weeks or months, he said.
MPs rejected UK military action in Syria two years ago - and ministers are now facing questions over the attack and calls to publish the legal advice. MPs rejected military action in Syria two years ago and ministers are now facing questions over the attack.
Cardiff-born Reyaad Khan, 21, was killed in the precision strike in Raqqa on 21 August by a remotely-piloted aircraft, David Cameron told MPs on Monday.Cardiff-born Reyaad Khan, 21, was killed in the precision strike in Raqqa on 21 August by a remotely-piloted aircraft, David Cameron told MPs on Monday.
The strike was the first targeted UK drone attack on a British citizen.The strike was the first targeted UK drone attack on a British citizen.
'More terrorists''More terrorists'
Ruhul Amin, 26, was also killed and later identified as a British national from Aberdeen. Ruhul Amin, 26, from Aberdeen, was also killed.
Mr Fallon said there was "no other way" of stopping Khan, who the prime minister accused of planning "barbaric" attacks on "high-profile public commemorations" in Britain.Mr Fallon said there was "no other way" of stopping Khan, who the prime minister accused of planning "barbaric" attacks on "high-profile public commemorations" in Britain.
"There are other terrorists involved in other plots that may come to fruition over the next few weeks and months and we wouldn't hesitate to take similar action again," Mr Fallon told BBC Radio 4's Today programme. "We wouldn't hesitate to take similar action again," Mr Fallon told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
Tracking Britain's jihadistsTracking Britain's jihadists
The defence secretary would not be drawn on whether the UK had a "hit list", but said: "There are a large number of individuals - not all British - out there in Syria at the moment who are actively involved in planning armed attacks here in Britain."The defence secretary would not be drawn on whether the UK had a "hit list", but said: "There are a large number of individuals - not all British - out there in Syria at the moment who are actively involved in planning armed attacks here in Britain."
Mr Cameron has said the attorney general was consulted over the strike and agreed there was a "clear legal basis". Mr Cameron has said the attorney general was consulted over the strike and agreed there was a "clear legal basis" for it.
He said the strike had been approved at a meeting of "the most senior members" of the National Security Council and authorised by Mr Fallon.He said the strike had been approved at a meeting of "the most senior members" of the National Security Council and authorised by Mr Fallon.
The prime minister's official spokesman told the BBC the decision to target British nationals in a drone strike in Syria was taken "some months ago".
But questions have been raised over the decision, with acting Labour leader Harriet Harman among those who called for the Intelligence and Security Committee to investigate.But questions have been raised over the decision, with acting Labour leader Harriet Harman among those who called for the Intelligence and Security Committee to investigate.
Former attorney general Dominic Grieve said it was possible the decision could be "legally reviewed or challenged".Former attorney general Dominic Grieve said it was possible the decision could be "legally reviewed or challenged".
Clive Coleman, BBC legal correspondentClive Coleman, BBC legal correspondent
The law on drone strikes is a subject of debate.The law on drone strikes is a subject of debate.
Every nation has the right in international law under the United Nations Charter to defend itself. But how broadly should that be interpreted? When does an attack cease to be legitimate self defence? Every nation has the right in international law under the United Nations Charter to defend itself. But how broadly should that be interpreted? When does an attack cease to be legitimate self-defence?
The US has interpreted the law to justify a campaign of drone strikes in Pakistan and elsewhere. It takes the view that it is in a global war against al-Qaeda, among others, and that its citizens are under imminent threat.The US has interpreted the law to justify a campaign of drone strikes in Pakistan and elsewhere. It takes the view that it is in a global war against al-Qaeda, among others, and that its citizens are under imminent threat.
That justifies action anywhere in the world, preferably with the consent of the state on whose soil it takes place, but justifiable even if that consent cannot be obtained.That justifies action anywhere in the world, preferably with the consent of the state on whose soil it takes place, but justifiable even if that consent cannot be obtained.
Some are uneasy about that approach and Britain has never subscribed to it. But the UN has not deemed it unlawful. Some are uneasy about that approach and Britain has never subscribed to it, but the UN has not deemed it unlawful.
Monday's announcement might appear to some to signal the UK adopting this US stance.Monday's announcement might appear to some to signal the UK adopting this US stance.
However, the prime minister was careful not to adopt that position. His words kept the British action firmly within the right to self defence enshrined in the UN Charter. However, the prime minister was careful not to adopt that position. His words kept the British action firmly within the right to self-defence enshrined in the UN Charter.
If the intelligence was sufficient to justify the action, it is likely to be widely accepted as legal. Some, however, will continue to dispute its legality.If the intelligence was sufficient to justify the action, it is likely to be widely accepted as legal. Some, however, will continue to dispute its legality.
Liberal Democrat peer Lord Carlile, a former independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said the argument the attack might not have been lawful was "entirely artificial". Liberal Democrat peer Lord Carlile, a former independent reviewer of anti-terrorism legislation, said the argument the attack might not have been lawful was "entirely artificial".
But the SNP's Westminster leader Angus Robertson joined Labour in calling for a parliamentary inquiry, saying: "We need to have confidence that everything that is happening is legal, appropriate and justified."But the SNP's Westminster leader Angus Robertson joined Labour in calling for a parliamentary inquiry, saying: "We need to have confidence that everything that is happening is legal, appropriate and justified."
Human rights group Reprieve described the attack as "deeply worrying". Mohammed Islam, a family friend of Khan's, called for an investigation, alleging there had been a "cover up", while Muslim leaders in Cardiff called for proof that Khan was plotting a terror attack on the UK.
Mohammed Islam, a family friend of Khan's, called for an investigation, alleging there had been a "cover up".
Muslim leaders in Cardiff have called for proof that Khan was plotting a terror attack on the UK.
Stephen Marvin said his childhood friend Amin had "firmly believed he was fighting for a cause he believed in" and "had no fear of death".Stephen Marvin said his childhood friend Amin had "firmly believed he was fighting for a cause he believed in" and "had no fear of death".
Frank Gardner, BBC security correspondentFrank Gardner, BBC security correspondent
Drone strikes are highly controversial.Drone strikes are highly controversial.
Opponents of the policy say they are illegal, immoral and ultimately ineffectual.Opponents of the policy say they are illegal, immoral and ultimately ineffectual.
They point to evidence that US-operated drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen have killed hundreds of innocent civilians and generated so much anti-Western hatred in those countries that they end up recruiting more violent jihadists.They point to evidence that US-operated drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen have killed hundreds of innocent civilians and generated so much anti-Western hatred in those countries that they end up recruiting more violent jihadists.
Many people also find something repellent about drone operators sitting safely in comfort in a base thousands of miles away from their unsuspecting target.Many people also find something repellent about drone operators sitting safely in comfort in a base thousands of miles away from their unsuspecting target.
But proponents argue that drone strikes have been highly effective in disrupting terrorist operations, keeping their leaders constantly on the move and too busy to plan attacks.But proponents argue that drone strikes have been highly effective in disrupting terrorist operations, keeping their leaders constantly on the move and too busy to plan attacks.
Some officials even maintain that the constant targeting of jihadist operators in Pakistan's Tribal Territories with drone strikes has significantly contributed to preventing a repetition of the 7/7 London bombings. Some officials even maintain that the constant targeting of jihadist operators in Pakistan's tribal territories with drone strikes has significantly contributed to preventing a repetition of the 7/7 London bombings.
Watch tour of RAF Reaper's drones baseWatch tour of RAF Reaper's drones base
MPs in 2013 rejected UK military action against President Bashar Assad's regime in Syria, but last September approved British participation in air strikes against IS targets in Iraq only.MPs in 2013 rejected UK military action against President Bashar Assad's regime in Syria, but last September approved British participation in air strikes against IS targets in Iraq only.
But officials said the UK would "act immediately and explain to Parliament afterwards" if there was "a critical British national interest at stake".But officials said the UK would "act immediately and explain to Parliament afterwards" if there was "a critical British national interest at stake".
Mr Fallon said a fresh Commons vote would be needed for pre-planned military action against IS in Syria.Mr Fallon said a fresh Commons vote would be needed for pre-planned military action against IS in Syria.
British authorities believe more than 700 people from the UK have travelled to support or fight for jihadist organisations in Syria and Iraq.British authorities believe more than 700 people from the UK have travelled to support or fight for jihadist organisations in Syria and Iraq.
Many have joined so-called Islamic State whose goal is to establish a "caliphate" in the two countries.Many have joined so-called Islamic State whose goal is to establish a "caliphate" in the two countries.