244 Immigrants With Criminal Records Face Deportation in California


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LOS ANGELES — More than 240 immigrants with criminal records who are living in the United States illegally were taken into custody last week during a four-day sweep across Southern California, immigration authorities said Monday.

All 244 people taken into custody had been convicted of a crime and more than half of them had at least one felony conviction, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, who called it the most successful sweep of its kind in the region. The majority of those arrested had been convicted of violent felonies, weapons or sex abuse charges. The rest had been convicted of “significant or multiple misdemeanors,” immigration officials said.

Roughly two-thirds of the immigrants taken in the sweep were from Mexico, and the remainder came from 21 other countries, including France, Ghana and Thailand.

For years, immigration officials relied on local prisons to help them deport immigrants who had been convicted of crimes, asking them to hold the offenders beyond their sentences so federal agents could pick them up. But immigration advocates said those requests, known as detainers, created a dragnet that deported thousands of people unfairly. Last year, a federal judge in Oregon ruled the practice unconstitutional, and California enacted a law protecting all but the most serious criminals offenders.

“By doing these operations periodically, we show everyone what we can do to make the community safer,” said David Marin, the deputy field officer for the immigration agency’s Enforcement and Removal Operations in Southern California. “Because local law enforcement haven’t been able to cooperate with us like they used to, they have been releasing criminal aliens into the community, and we have to spend a lot of resources to be able to find them.”

This summer, two cases in California renewed the debate over deportations of unauthorized immigrants who commit crimes. In July, a young woman was killed on a pier in San Francisco by a man who had been deported to Mexico multiple times. And in August, an illegal immigrant in Santa Maria was charged with murder after he raped and beat a woman in her home.

Officials say they are increasingly relying on the National Fugitive Operations program, which was created to find immigrants who had failed to comply with a deportation order, to track down immigrants who have recently been let out of jail. Mr. Marin said that the previous policy, which had allowed officials to take people into custody directly from jails, was safer and less costly.

After the sweep, immigration officials hailed the arrests of three people who had been convicted of sexual abuse. The operation, they said, focused on convicted criminals, gang members and people convicted of multiple or serious misdemeanors, like drunken driving.

“What we’re doing is targeted enforcement — these are all people who are not only here illegally, but are convicted criminals,” Mr. Marin said. “These are people who are preying on our communities. We’re not just rounding up the lady selling tamales on the corner or the guy standing in front of a Home Depot.”

Those who were arrested in the sweep but have not been deported previously will face an administrative hearing with a judge.

The others are likely to be deported more quickly.